Saturday, September 08, 2007

Bush Walks and Nosy Elephants

The Earth Lodge offers guided bush walks in addition to the drives. After the morning drive, I was the only one interested in the bush walk, so Ranger Chris, his rifle, and I set off for a one-hour trek. After a mildly worrying "safety review" (including "Stay behind the rifle, so if I have to shoot something I won't accidentally shoot you." eek!), Chris asked me what I was interested in seeing during the walk. These walks normally focus on flora and fauna vs big game, especially since you don't really want to meet any big game while you're on foot. So, only hesitating a moment, I told him what I really wanted to look at: dung.

I know. I know it's gross. But I can't help it. It's so fascinating. I was worried that Chris would be horrified by my interest in all things scatological. But I needn't have worried. In fact, I think he too has a love of animal poo. Off we went, Chris pointing out all kinds of interesting things but also not neglecting "two-sie" specimens where appropriate (elephants, hyena, wildebeests, oh my!).

At one point we saw an elephant in the near-ish distance. I asked Chris if the ellie knew we were around. He thought that he could probably hear us, but since we're downwind he wouldn't be able to pick up our scent.

We also investigated a huge termite mound (abandoned, of course). The termites build them over the course of years. It's amazing how large they get. But eventually, they abandon the mound and something else moves in, usually a warthog.

Speaking of warthogs, Chris was full of useful tips on not getting killed by one. They apparently can charge right through you (literally, breaking you in half) if they are spooked. So, don't spook a warthog, folks. It's just not safe.


On another game drive, we had yet another close encounter of the wild kind. This elephant surprised us by coming closer rather than lumbering off as they usually do.

I didn't use the zoom on this one!

It's OK, Anne. As long as he's got a tree to chomp, he won't bother with you.

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