Saturday, October 13, 2007


One of the things that Anne and I had been eagerly awaiting was Sandibe's promise of free laundry service. We'd tried to pack light and as a result were pretty much wearing the same stuff over and over. Also, inexplicably, neither of us thought socks would be important. In Africa. In Winter. So. That was a problem.

But never fear, Botswana to the rescue. As promised, there was a laundry bag in the room waiting to be filled with our dainties. I took a minute to read the instructions for the laundry:

-Please leave your completed list together with your laundry on your bed.
-Laundry will be collected at 8am for same day service.
-All laundry, unless specified, is machine washed.
-Should the weather be inclement, all laundry will be tumble dried.
-Water is pumped from a borehole.
-Occasionally hyena and baboons raid the laundry yard.

The lodge accepts no responsibility whatsoever for guest clothing damaged during cleaning


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