Sunday, February 12, 2006


The first blizzard of 2006 is upon us. It seems that they always happen on a weekend. I guess that's a good thing, because adults rarely get snow days. Especially when you live in Manhattan.

I ventured out this morning with Delilah in tow. She was very excited to go outside, since she is primarily an indoor dog. (Yes, I know. I am a very bad dog-mommy. No protesting letters, please. She can work it out in therapy like all my other kids.)

Once outside, though, she kept giving me these looks that said, "Dr. Rosenstein is going to have a field day with this one, Mom." So, we lasted all of 3 minutes before seeking refuge in the bodega next door.

It's kind of like the bodega that time forgot. Everything is ridiculously cheap by Manhattan standards ($.60 for a cup of coffee!) and they didn't mind that I brought a soaking wet dog into the place. I guess the board of health hasn't been in there recently.

Sleeping giants.
Amsterdam Ave.
This sucks.


Gina said...

Sweetie, how I missed slogging through the snow to a bodega. I was house-bound for the day -- roads unpaved, etc. How are the kitties re-adjusting to Miss D?

MsYvone said...

oh my god.... delilah is just delectable! dee dee dee!! i wish we had that snow!


Doug T said...

Technically, it wasn't a blizzard. something about wind speeds...but you can duke it out with Al Roker. Meanwhile, for a dog who's down, Delilah looks adorable in the snow! And on a really random-but-somewhat-related note, I'm going to see Samson and Delilah at the Met tomorrow night.

qkurlv (a new hair product?)