Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Sweet, Sweet Charity

Herewith, pictures that serve to humble, embarass, and recall the 'good old days.' These were sent by an old college friend who thought we'd get a kick out of them.

When I was in college I was a member of the Penn State Thespians [insert "lesbian" joke here]. This show was Sweet Charity (recently on Broadway starring the adorable Christina Applegate.

One of my main memories of this production was of one of the "Dance Hall Girls" (a.k.a. the slutty girls who dressed up as the slutty dancing girls) asked me if I ever took it up the butt.

Sorry, but that's my memory.

Ah, we were young. Full of champangne and dreams!

I think this was a costume. I hope it was a costume.


Gina said...

Oh Might Thespus! I found the reunion picture from ages ago, and I hooted and howled until I cried. We were so young and innocent. That costume is too damn funny. I would have never recognized you. Don that if you're ever up to murder or other mayhem -- it's a sure-fire winning disguise.

Doug T said...

Were ANY of those guys straight?!?!

PS: I didn't realize that Mrs. Doubtfire was in Sweet Charity...

MsYvone said...

ah, sweet Schwab-b-b dressing room. Alas, I was long gone by the time you reached the Thespians (not Lesbians) and Doug, There were only 3 straight guys in our production of Grease. Gina and I were partnered up with two of them. Strange, but true.


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