Sunday, September 09, 2007

Safari Lodge of the Rich and Famous

On the morning of our last day at Earth Lodge, we had time to do part of the morning game drive, so Ranger Chris set up an "RV" (ranger code for "rendez-vous" ooh lala) which meant that when we pulled over for morning coffee, Stephan-the-Hot came to pick us up and take us to the airstrip.

On the drive, StheH told us about some of the famous people who have recently stayed at Earth Lodge: Anna Kournikova, Wesley Snipes, the King of Spain! Most recently, Ryan Reynolds (sans Alanis, avec screenwiter. hmmm - curious) and Don Cheadle (who surprised them all by booking under a false name).

His favorite was Holly Hunter. As with most celebs, her people had requested that she and her family have totally private game drives, meals, etc. Part of the culture of these places is mixing with new people. When H2 and her group saw how much fun the others were having, they promptly decided to skip the exclusive drives and join some random group. See? Celebrities are just like us!

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