Joanna arrived today. Woo Hooo!!!
Unfortunately, I had a client meeting that I couldn't weasel out of, so Jo was on her own to get into Tokyo from the airport. Luckily, the famous Japanese efficiency was in full swing and she made it with no problems.
We met up at the Imperial Hotel and had a beer and some appetizers. I impressed her with my extensive Japanese vocabulary. (She's so groggy from the flight. It will take her a day or two to realize that I just keep saying the same five words over and over.)
The taxi driver and I played charades for a while, but we finally got back to my apartment. Jo took one look around my miniature room and said, "Do you feel like you're in college?"
We had a quick sushi dinner (again, I dazzled her with my ability to order beer and water. Poor drowzy kid.) We were back at the apartment and she was passed out by 10 pm.
Tomorrow we're setting out to climb Mount Fuji!
Stupid Joanna.
PS: jlqim
And nuts to Mt. Fuji.
PS: fxyqv
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