Friday, October 06, 2006


Thursday, October 5
I'm finally back in NYC after a ridiculous cross-country research trip. The itinerary:
Sunday: NYC to San Francisco
Monday, Tuesday: San Fran in research all day
Tuesday: Red eye from San Fran to Boston
Wednesday: Boston
Thursday: Boston in research all day, back to NYC

Complicating matters- the plague has gotten worse. Including today, I've been sick for 10 days. I finally buckled down and went to an Urgent Care facility in San Fran on Tuesday.

San Francisco On Call Medical Group is a medical practice where the doctors actually make house calls. I found their number on the internet at 2am Tuesday morning and momentarily considered scheduling a house call. It seemed like something out of a Doris Day movie. But ultimately, it just seemed so exhausting. I scheduled an appointment instead.

As I arrived at SFOC, there was a doctor leaving to make a housecall... on a scooter! I was so fascinated.

I only waited a few minutes to see Dr. Sewell, a groovy neo-hippy who greeted me with a very chill: "So, what can possibly keep Hindsley down?" Indeed!

In no time the diagnosis came - "bronchitis, a pretty severe case. Luckily, it's not pneumonia, yet." Perscriptions for a strong course of antibiotics and a vicodin-based cough syrup in hand, I waved a cheery goodbye to the Doc and headed off to the pharmacy.

The pharmacy only had regular codeine-based syrup in stock. I honestly thought that the codeine wouldn't make me drowsy becuase years before I had experienced a "paradoxical effect" and didn't sleep for days. When I came to on the sofa of the research facility, tucked in with a blankie, I realized that I had clearly outgrown my resistance to that sweet nectar of the gods.

Admitting I was beaten, I took Wednesday as an official Sick Day and stayed in my hotel room in Boston.

1 comment:

Gina said...

You and your official sick days. C'mon -- misbehave like the rest of us! I hope you are feeling better soon.