Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Monday, September 25

I was up with the birds this morning: conference calls, emails, and then a breakfast meeting with my colleagues before heading off to our local office to put together the presentation for our meeting tomorrow.

The McCann office in Mexico (actually the MRM office) is really beautiful from the outside. Can you imagine working in a place like this?

The day went well, plus or minus a few frustrating developments at the home office, and we worked until about 7:00. My sore throat had developed into a minor case of the plague by that time, so I decided to go to the pharmacy next to the hotel to get some meds. It had just started to get dark, so our local host colleague insisted on coming with me, even though the store was literally 20 yards from the hotel. It’s funny that people think New York City is so dangerous when there are places like this where you can’t be alone outside for any amount of time for fear of kidnappings.

Two of my coworkers, Walter and Daniel:

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