Thursday, October 13, 2005

Um. Awkward.

My first job in pharma was working as an admin at a major pharma company, which was launching a major brand that gained major attention because of its major effect on major woody.

As anyone who works in the pharmaceutical industry can tell you, we talk about all kinds of disgusting and embarrassing stuff on a daily basis. It's just part of the job.

I'm working on a project for one of our clients requires me to research magazines and websites that will appeal to a certain target audience. We had a bunch of magazines in the office that were, of course, all in Japanese, so I asked my interpretor to flip through them with me and translate anything that looked interesting.

Be careful what you wish for. Most of the magazines were typical fluff: gossip rags, fashion, house & home. Then there was An An.

Not only was the whole issue dedicated to you-know-what, but it included photos, illustrations, and lots of helpful tips for gals on the go. My poor interpretor turned an odd shade of green when she got to the section that was so graphic that it was sealed. I told her that no translation was necessary.

1 comment:

Gina said...

You are such a Virgo!