Tuesday, July 19, 2005

A Retraction

In an earlier post, I said the the Aussie looked like a "Varsity Captain Bligh."

Turns out, Captain Bligh was neither one-eyed, nor a pirate. He was the guy from "Mutiny on the Bounty." Hmmm. So, I tried to find another famous, one-eyed pirate other than Hook (because the Aussie doesn't have a hook). This is why I love the internet: when I googled "famous one-eyed pirates" I actually found a list! However, I was foiled again because there are apparently no really famous one-eyed male pirates. There's a female pirate who lost an eye. And there's this one guy from Persia, but no one's ever heard of him.

If anyone has any suggestions, let me know.


Gina said...

Think Soap Operas. There's Patch from Days of Our Lives.

Unknown said...

For those of you who haven't seen the Hathaway Shirt Man...
