Friday, July 08, 2005

Wanted: OPI Red

July 7

Today dragged on and on. I had a completely open schedule, except for my daily “communication lunch.” I should have been diligently working on my presentations, but all I wanted to do was nap. I can’t wait for the weekend.

Lunch was fabulous, though. Two AEs (the karaoke lover/Billy Joel impersonator and a lovely girl who speaks English pretty well) took me to a place that specializes in unagi (eel). It was the first tatami-style restaurant I’ve visited which means we took off our shoes and sat on the floor. Tatami is a type of traditional Japanese floor covering that is made of straw and is very delicate. Of course I chose last night to take off my slightly peeling toe nail polish. My feet look like two medium-rare pork chops.

The food was delicious (which I mentioned over and over…these people probably think I’m some kind of food fetishist) and actually the most I’ve eaten in one sitting since I got here. The Japanese eat like birds! The eel was served in a square box, hot, over steamed rice. I ate too much and afterward I felt sick. But at least I wasn’t hungry!

By the end of the meal my feet and legs were killing me. Billy Joel taught me how to say, “correct way of sitting.” (seza). I taught them how to say “pin and needles.”

UPS update: my packages arrived! However, my unadulterated joy was hampered by the news of the terrorist attacks in London. I’ve been glued to the tv for hours.

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