Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Aussie Update

Tuesday night
Many of you have asked what's going on with the Aussie. He was supposed to start yesterday, but he never showed up. Turns out that he wasn't even in Japan yesterday. According to the gossip, which wasn't gossip, since I heard it from the Pres, he missed an important client meeting and didn't tell anyone that his schedule changed.

To be fair to our Aussie friend, there have been miscommunications about schedules before. So, I am witholding judgement on the matter.

He was here today, though, and we had an "update meeting" about a huge project that we've been working on. This project is one that I've been working on, but have been almost completely isolated from the rest of the team, so I have no idea what, if anything, I am really contributing. The meeting was very productive, which is a good sign, but once again some of the key team members were missing.

There was one awkward part where the Aussie was trying to explain a medical situation to the junior planner. I guess "colostomy bag" is one of those things that isn't on the vocab list in English for Busy People.

1 comment:

Doug T said...

Nuts to Aussies.