Sunday, August 21, 2005

World's Most Boring Blog Entry


I definitely caught up on my sleep today. Very lazy day. So lazy, in fact, that I think I slept through another earthquake. Good for me. I heard about it on CNN.

Tonight, I did laundry and watched the tube. The Sound of Music was on. It's weird that I brought three DVDs from home (TSOM, Lost in Translation, and Bridget Jones' Diary) and so far TSOM and LIT have both been in constant rotation on tv here. What are the chances? Joanna recently sent me a few more: Arrested Development, Season 1 (genius, if you haven't seen it - run, don't walk, to Tower Records and buy the DVD); Napolean Dynamite (ditto, Gosh!) and When Harry Met Sally (a classic chick flick).

OK, this is dull. Not "Katie and Alex buy a crockpot" dull. But dull. I'll leave you with this:

Sometimes on the Star Channel, between movies, they play a short promo for a movie with a "hit song" playing under it. They set it up MTV style with the song title, movie title, and recording artist title. Tonight they played a promo for The Sound of Music with "My Favorite Things" as the song. They credited "Maria" as the recording artist.

That's all I got.

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