Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Futsuka Yoi

Futsuka Yoi (hungover, literally “two days drunk”)

I’m working on about 4 hours of sleep. So, I’ll cut to the chase on this one. Presentation I had to give –nagai to mijikai (long and boring), even for me. Communication lunch – I ate a whole fish (it was tiny) but it was a whole fish: head, eyes, tail. It was fried, so it tasted like fried food. But it still kind of grossed me out. I cut out of work around 6PM and am now sitting around in my pjs.

Gina tagged me to fess up to 5 idiosyncrasies about myself. Only five? Here they are. Please, commenters, feel free to add on. I’m supposed to tag 5 people, but I’m too tired for that.

5 crazy things about me

Wearing a Hole in the Floor
When I talk on the phone, I can’t stay still. I continuously pace around the room. Sometimes, at work where I can’t really pace, I’ll stand up while I’m talking.

Rubbing Feet Together When Tired
I never noticed that I do this. It was pointed out to me by my roommate, Joanna.

Ms. Clean
Whenever someone is coming to my apartment, I fret and obsess over the place. Is it clean enough, it the clutter all hidden, are the pillows straight? I realized this when a friend emailed me that she wanted to stay at my place in NYC for a few days while I’m here in Tokyo. I started fretting about whether or not I had changed the sheets before I left and if there were horrible dust bunnies flying around the room. Once, when my mother announced a surprise visit to the NYC apartment, I stayed up most of the night cleaning (and, made Joanna stay up too). At one point, I seriously considered re-painting the bathroom. It’s a sickness.

Watch It
I usually don’t wear a watch, although I have started wearing one for this trip. One reason is that I’m surrounded by gadgets that tell the time: my PC, my desk at work, my cell phone. But the real reason is that when I wear a watch, I constantly check the time. Even when I really don’t care what time it is. Sometimes, I don’t even register what the time is, but it’s the action of turning the wrist and looking at the watch. Not only is this crazy, but I think it makes me look like I’m paying even less attention to the person I’m talking with. If that’s possible.

Making a List, Checking It Twice
The number 5 spot was a toss up between list making and chin hair tweezing. I went with the lists because:
A. It’s not as disgusting
B. It’s something I do in writing, speaking, and thinking
C. My lists usually get ridiculously long and include things like: take shower.

This list was a bad idea. Now I know how crazy I am. And so do all of you.


Gina said...

There are tears in my eyes over the chin hairs! I recall you suspecting Kim of stealing your favorite tweezers during a family weekend at the beach. Wacko!

MsYvone said...

Colleen, you reminded me of a few more of my idiosynchrocies, like having to pace when I brush my teeth. I cant stand still.

I also obsess about having the place clean before people come over. and having it clean before I leave to go on vacation, don't want to come home to a dirty house.

As for chin hairs, you arent alone. look at it this way, tweasing chin hairs is better than not tweasing them at all.