Thursday, September 15, 2005

Curiouser and Curiouser

As I was hitting the snooze button for about the 10th time (actually oversleeping), my doorbell rang. My doorbell has only rung about 3 times since I've been here and each time it has happened while I'm sleeping. So it's sort of disturbing. But, I was pleasantly surprised to get a package from Alisha and Sheri.

I do love getting mail (hint) so thanks to everyone who has sent me a shout out through the postal service (esp. Joanna, Doug, and Mom!)

Today was almost non-stop meetings. I barely had time to think of a way to recover from yesterday's debacle, so I'm leaving that for tomorrow. We presented the new workflow plan to the whole staff (split into two marathon meetings) and the reaction was underwhelming. The Aussie and the CD thought it would be good to have an ice breaker at the beginning, so we played the Star Wars Kid video. Of course, the three foreigner in the room laughed ourselves silly. The Japanese were just puzzled. We dropped that idea for the second meeting.

The Aussie and the CD have a very interesting relationship. The CD has a very difficult time sitting still for more than 10 minutes so he kept trying to leave the room during the meetings to smoke or just wander around. The Aussie physically restrained him at one point saying: "Sit. Stay." Then the Aussie started writing him notes. I only saw one of them. It said: "your presence shows your commitment to them!"

I know that the CD has a fabulous practicallyamodel malaysian galpal and the Aussie wears a wedding ring. But I found out today that they are sharing a house outside Tokyo with their respective spouse/girlfriend/cats and they are going to buy a car together. Hmmm. Maybe the wedding ring is fake and the fabulous malaysian girlfriend is a beard....

1 comment:

Gina said...

Buying a car together? Very strange, indeed.