Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Sanity Update

My insomnia seems to be getting better and the pit in my stomach has shrunk significantly. I've calmed down about the work. I was suffering from the same thing that plagues this company in Japan: do everything myself disorder.

One of the main projects I've been working on is helping the Aussie train the employees on how to work within a team structure. The concept of working on a team is new to this office and their view of it is similar to mine on Mount Fuji: it only exists to make people feel inferior. That is, if it exists at all.

So, for a while there I let myself fall into the same trap. I didn't delegate work (because I didn't think there was anyone to delegate to) and I obsessed over the quality of the work (nothing I can do about that, except my best). These days, I'm delegating to anyone who stands still long enough.

Yesterday, the Aussie gave me two nice compliments. First, in an email, he referred to me as "his most trusted lieutenant." Later, after hearing about the Osaka weekend, he said, "I heard you were a blistering success."

That's nice. But I think he's trying to butter me up so that I won't leave. Fat chance.

1 comment:

AuntJudyB said...

I'd like contact information for "the Aussie." I'd like to have a word with him about when you are coming home. He would not like discussing this with me.