Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Knock on Wood, Cross Your Fingers, etc

I don't want to jinx myself, but I got the approval today for the budget to hire a translator. Woo hoo! Stay tuned on that front.

Work is getting busier and busier. It feels almost like I'm actually working for an advertising agency. Almost. The new CD is raising eyebrows because he listens to music (music!) in his cube. One of the Account Managers lodged a complaint. Hee.

Even though I spent the day hustling from meeting to meeting, I still had time to enjoy a few time-wasters. These are apparently old news, but of course I'm just seeing them for the first time. The first one made me laugh so hard I almost swallowed my tongue. The second one sent me into an asthma attack.

A cautionary tale number 1.
Never videotape yourself doing something stupid. Ever.

And cautionary tale number 2.
Rule of thumb: it's best to never admit that you even know the words to any eastern European pop song.

1 comment:

Gina said...

I implore you to get a phone pic of the CD. Also, a translator now? Mid-September? Aren't you returning in a little over a month? Just askin'...