Friday, September 16, 2005

Tram Street Cafe

Yuki and I went over the the Tram St. Cafe for lunch and had a delightful noodle dish. When we got there, someone was already sitting in the comfy chairs at the back of the place, so we were relegated to the general seating area with the rest of the common folk.

I really like the place so I'll complain once again that it's only open until 5 pm during the week and closed on weekends, so it's not a convenient hangouts. Maybe I'll start a petition to make them stay open. But who would sign it? Nobody seems to live in this neighborhood except me and Max, my new German neighbor. There are also a few other foreigners in this building who are not at all friendly. There goes my pipedream of recreating the sitcom Friends with an American, a German, an Asian girl and three Middle Eastern guys. Why must dreams die?

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