Friday, September 16, 2005

Tiny Tots

I just love the backpacks and the little hats!

I took this picture while I was sneaking off to the make my hotel reservations. There's a primary school but today was the first time I saw swarms of little uniformed munchkins walking home. At one point I was right in the middle of a huge group of them. I had my camera ready, but there was a stern-looking crossing guard giving me the fish-eye.

Also, for any of my teammates working on a certain cardiovascular agent, doesn't the guy on the left side of the shot remind you of Fat Guy on a Little Bike?

1 comment:

jolott said...

Yesterday I was listening to my iPod on shuffle songs mode and "Turning Japanese" came on. I giggled. (I don't think, however, that I AM turning Japanese. That would be startling.)