Monday, September 05, 2005

I Got a Meetin’ in the Ladies’ Room

Joanna and I were (I think) good-humored about the whole experience. However, there was that one time that I had a minor melt-down regarding the bathroom situation. I will spare you all the details, but suffice to say that I have fairly (again, I think) reasonable needs in the lavatory department mostly involving plumbing and privacy. I realize that this can be problematic when, say, camping. But that’s one of the reasons I never, you know, camp. The strange thing is that since I’ve been here, the “facilities” have been super-duper-deluxe: clean, complex commodes even in the busiest subway station. Long story short: on the road to Fuji-san my basic needs were not being met. There was some level of foot stamping/pouting on my part and counseling/cajoling on Joanna’s part. The situation remained, as we say, unresolved for many hours.

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