Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Stupid Venn Diagrams

Ever have one of those meetings where you realize about 5 minutes before it starts that you're completely unprepared and are about to make an ass of yourself?

Yeah, me too.

I've been working on this project to give this client a recommendation based on some fancy database program that one of our sister agencies supposedly has. I say supposedly because even though they have many powerpoint slides extolling the merits of said database, complete with Venn diagrams and "TMs" and clipart, in the end it's really nothing that your average intern couldn't whip up in between IMs.

The project was cursed from the start due to bad blood between the sister agency and my agency over some client who asked for something but then didn't want to pay. Or something like that, it was all very vague.

Due to [insert stock excuse about not having a translator here] and [insert stock excuse about unreasonable timelines and no resources here], I allowed substandard work to go to the client. Don't get me wrong, I went with it, Riverdancing all the way. At one point I think I might have used the word "aspirational."

It doesn't really matter because she ended up changing the parameters of the project anyway. Now, instead of trying to reach 25-65 year old housewives with three cats who like pink nail polish and long walks on the beach, we're after 27-63 year old stay-at-home moms who have at least one tattoo and a credit card.


Gina said...

Thank God for shifting paradigms. Aspirational? Try to get some sleep. qbshyyj

MsYvone said...

I want my two dollars!

ykfhr (yuck fair? or yuck for hair?)