Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Iron Chef!

We have a bunch of oncologists visiting Japan from Texas this week. They are presenting at a special training program that my agency organizes every year. I've been asked to tag along to entertain them and act as "Master of Ceremonies" during the 3-day conference. This is how they keep introducing me to the oncologists: "This is Colleen-san. She is the masterofceromies." What can you do?

The Texans arrived today and, although they were bleary-eyed and a little cranky, we shuttled them across Tokyo to dinner at one of the Iron Chef restaurants. Szechwan Restaurant, as it is simply called, specializes in Chinese cuisine.

While the ambience was non-existent, the food was excellent. I was able to add two more exotic foods to my list: duck tongue (really gross, I gave it a chance but left most of it in my napkin) and jellyfish (I thought they were noodles, not bad though). There may have been other exotic foods, but I think our Japanese hosts stopped translating because the Texans were looking a little pale. The service was very good, too. They would parade each course around the table for us all to look at before they served it. There was usually some intricate garnish involved. The most incredible was a bird made from carrots.

On the way to dinner, The Pres was complaining to me about the Aussie: "He makes me so exhausted!" Apparently it upsets him when the Aussie comes into his office "first thing in the morning, always asking something."

I tried to be sympathetic, and I actually do feel bad for them at times. But COME ON!

With the Texans and the Japanese, Szechwan Restaurant.

1 comment:

MsYvone said...

damn, that bird is AMAZING! Didya eat it?